Wednesday, September 13, 2017

'The Heart Guy, Series 1' DVD Review

Hugh Knight (Rodger Corser) is a gifted heart surgeon in Sydney, Australia. If you want to speak plainly this guy has one charmed life. He is a bit arrogant in that he believes that because of his talent he can get away with anything. Well,one day all of this wonderful life he has led comes tumbling down around his feet. He is caught in an incident that involves drugs and alcohol and he is placed on probation. He is allowed to be a GP but can never perform surgery again.

Knight feels the loss and heads back home to Whyhope, Australia. He hasn't been going back to his hometown regularly and it is a big change. He begins working at a hospital that has little funds to work with and he and the rest of the staff are always scrambling for materials to do their jobs properly. He has a killer boss (Hayley McElhinney) in that their is no-nonsense at all. Knight struggles to get his bearings or re acclimate himself to his hometown but soon realizes why he left. His mother (Tina Bursill) is a very politically minded individual whose ambition overshadows everything else. His father (Steve Bisley) is a very distant person who you could say is emotionally stunted. Knight also has to deal with his ex-girlfriend Charlie (Nicole da Silva) because she married his younger brother. 

Now, the question is with this Dramedy is whether Knight can live the straight and narrow or will he succumb to his evil ways and lose everything. Acorn brings this wonderful show to DVD on September 19th, 2017. The quality of the DVD is excellent and the sights and sounds are fantastic. This entertaining look at what some are calling the 'Doc Martin' of Australia is definitely a keeper and should be added to your personal library. So, sit back and enjoy another great show out of Australia and see what life can be like when all is going right and when lets say it falls in the crapper. Enjoy. 

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