Sunday, February 3, 2019

'Humans 3.0' DVD Review

Since the first computer, man has considered the creation of the computerized human. The idea came about for this creation to become the servants to man. The thought was that this would alleviate some of the work that man has to do. As time went by and computers became more sophisticated the dream would become reality. In 'Humans 3.0' the creation of humanoid servants becomes the norm.

Synthetics as they are called have gained a certain amount of consciousness, unfortunately for the humans this is on a global scale. Humans have a certain amount of distrust against Synthetics because they really don’t have a clue as to what Synthetics are capable of. Many humans have begun to trust these new creatures and want to help them become normal citizens. In other words to give them rights. A human Lawyer by the name of Laura (Katherine Parkinson) is fighting for Synthetics rights before a rather high profile government commission. There are other humans named Mia (Gemma Chan) and Max (Ivanno Jeremiah) who are running a place for Synthetics to live. These three humans are trying to accommodate the new Synthetics while getting them established in a humanoid world.

Friendships are becoming normal between the two life forms Humans and Synthetics. Max has a friend named Leo (Colin Morgan) who is a Synthetic. Max has become a leader in this new world and has trouble with his feelings of friendship with Leo. Trouble comes when a bomb goes off at a Synthetics friendly bar. Tensions were high but now with this terrorist act, tensions has become volatile. Niska (Emily Berrington) is searching for The bomber  but what she finds out is going to have consequences that is going to turn the world upside down for Synthetics and Humans alike.

Acorn brings this wonderful show to DVD on January 29th, 2019. The sights and sounds are exquisite and superb. The quality of the DVD is excellent. This is definitely one show that must be seen as we become closer ourselves to having Synthetics among our population. Definitely pick this one up and enjoy.


  1. Found Seas 3 compelling & like seas 1 & 2 extremely well acted & featuring characters I cared about -
    The streaming industry's attempt to deprive artists of their share of financial rewards may be behind a horrible storyline that will decimate viewing of Season 4. I won't spoil anything today but I will say cast changes will keep me far away from Hulu & Humans 4.0 should they try to stream it.

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