Monday, October 14, 2019

'Ulysses and Mona' DVD Review

Ulysses (Eric Cantona) is a man lost in his own despair. He ran away from his life with a wife and son. He was an artist with a grand following but he walked away from that also. He has been told that he has brain cancer and simply doesn’t know how to live with it. He spends his day in his Chateau rambling around from room to room. He will from time to time go out to the tennis court and simply hits the tennis balls around. He will listen to horror movie soundtracks to pass the time away.

Now we have Mona (Manal Issa) a young 20 year old art student who is spending most of her young life between nude workshops and theory classes. Mona has seen Ulysses work and has decided that she wants to meet the artist. Mona decides she is going to the chateau and meet her idol. She goes to the chateau not knowing what to expect. The two lost souls walk around the estate and Ulysses not really knowing what to do with this young girl finally decides to go on a road trip. Ulysses decides he is going to see his brother, he wants to find his ex and he wants to see his boy. He especially wants to see his boy because of the feeling of he has wronged him over the years. Mona tried to make a move on the older man but that doesn’t go anywhere. The two finally settle into their road trip that will eventually have a profound effect on both their lives.

Film Movement brings this wonderful film to DVD on October 15th, 2019. French Indie auteur Sebastien Betbeder does a great job on this one. The quality of the DVD is excellent and the sights and sounds are superb. You feel for both the leading character. One who is at the end of his life and the other just beginning to understand hers. This is definitely one for the personal library of DVDs you may have and it is a good addition to your movie collection.

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