Wednesday, January 29, 2020

'Jay And Silent Bob Reboot' Blu-Ray Review

Jay (Jason Mewes) and Silent Bob (Kevin Smith) are outside the Quick Stop where they spend much of their time. The guys are selling marijuana and they are arrested for selling the pot. When they get to court they are acquitted unfortunately the two sign away their names to their lawyer. Soon afterward they find out that  a remake of 'Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back' is about to be done. The two guys want to put a stop to it but they must get to California and attend the Chronic Con in Hollywood.

The guys hole up in Chicago as they make their way cross country. Jay meets up with a former lover named Justice (Shannon Elizabeth).  Well she is now a meteorologist and has a daughter named Millennium Faulken (Harley Quinn Smith). What’s funny is Jay is the father. Justice takes off and Millie forces Jay and Silent Bob to take her and a friend to California. Jay is drugged by Milly and they end up in New Orleans. Milly has more friends in New Orleans and once again does Jay and Silent Bob. The guys get left and must find the van and the group. When found the group has been kidnapped by the Ku Klux Klan. Jay and Silent Bob must get them away from the Klan and get back on the road.
Lionsgate has brought this film to Blu-Ray and shows us that there is still a stoner audience out there to enjoy it. The quality of the Blu-Ray is excellent and the sights and sounds are superb. This is the type of movie that for some can bring back memories of ones youth and for others can open their eyes to things that they might not be aware of. Either way it’s enjoyable for a good laugh. This is a wonderful addition to your personal library and would make a great gift to that special person.

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