Tuesday, February 18, 2020

'Is Anybody Listening?' DVD Review

Paula J. Caplan is a Psychologist and author who had a father who was a Captain of an all black battery that fought in the Battle is the Bulge. She grew up listening to all the stories of that famous battle. What she also heard were the stories of the men coming home and trying to settle into a world that actually didn’t exist for them anymore. As she grew up and acquired her degrees she also met and listened to hundreds of other people who also went through the same bewildered outlook of life.

You see when a person joins the military and has to fight in a battle or war they are changed forever. These people are human but then they fight and afterward try to be the same person they were before but when they talk now people believe they are mentally ill. When in reality they are simply people who have fought in a war and survived the best way they could. Most Americans don’t have the knowledge of fighting in a war and for the most part most Americans are military illiterate. Caplan learned early on what these proud Americans needed and has fought to help them. She set Listen to a Veteran a national non-profit organization that simply listens respectfully to what a veteran has to say. Instead of isolation they are able to bring them into the fold of humanity again.

This story is a documentary/drama that brings home the message of love and heart full thanks to the men and women who have served in the military during times of war. Caplan has even interviewed vets like 96 year old Isaac Pope who served with her father in the Battle of the Bulge. The quality of the DVD is excellent. The sights and sounds are superb. This is a must for every American whether you have served or not. It will give you an insight into a hell that some people are not able to come back from but desperately need our help. Don’t pass this one up and add it to that personal library.

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