Sunday, February 16, 2014

Prayer For 2/16/2014

I woke up Lord and was looking through the paper and couldn't help thinking that there is a whole lot of crap going on. Lord this problem with the Egyptians going back to Russia for guidance is simply going back to a world where we had our countries at odds. Lord the cold war stunk for many reasons and the worst it did is divide us all . Lord I look at Syria and I see a Muslim country divided amongst itself. It has interference from other countries like Iran and Lebanon and all it can do at the Peace Talks is come up with a stalemate. Lord we have problems in my own country. We have a congress who took more days off last year than when they were supposed to be on the job. Lord, we have problems here in Florida and right in my own back yard. Lord all I can do is pray to each and every day. All I can do ask that you would intervene and help straighten things out. Heavenly Father, I pray this day to you that you would come into our hearts and help us to get along with one another. Cant we all just be friends!

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