Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Detectorists, Series 3 (The Final Season) DVD Review

Andy (Mackenzie Crook) and Lance (Toby Jones) are best of friends. They enjoy scouring the English countryside trying to find hidden treasure with their metal detectors. They aren't trying to become rich by doing this but it would be nice that once in awhile they would come across something worth some money.

Andy and his wife Becky (Rachael Stirling) have recently moved in with her mother. Now, you might think awe how charming but when Becky's mother (Diana Rigg) turns out to be a very formidable individual it really makes coming home a chore. Andy's life as an archaeologist which he thought was his dream job is not going as well as he had hoped. So you see the only time that Andy can be happy is when he is out walking around looking for treasure.

Now, Lance on the other hand is having his own problems. Lance and his girlfriend have a house guest. His daughter is living with them an all Lance can do is worry about how it will effect his relationship with his girlfriend. You might say to yourself that these two men should be worried about a whole lot more than this pettiness but they don't well maybe they do.
You see their favorite field that they go searching for treasure is about to bought by a construction firm who want to turn it into a solar farm. What are Andy and Lance going to do about all this calamity in their lives. Well pick up the DVD and you can find out.

The beautiful thing about this show is its hilarious. The first minutes to the very end will keep you laughing. Funny thing is that at times a person can actually say to themselves that hey I've done that before. Most people can't say that they have been out in the middle of a field with a metal detector looking for treasure but they can certainly say that they have had to move in with the mother-in-law. They can also say that they have been with a new girlfriend and the children of a former marriage have moved in. So you see there is a little of all of us in this show.

Acorn brings this delightful series to us on DVD on May 29, 2018. The quality of the DVD is excellent and the sights and sounds are perfect. So don't waste any time and pick this one up and add it to that personal DVD library. It will make some Sunday afternoon a joy to watch the 'Detectorists, Series 3 (The Final Season)' at their very best. 

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