Wednesday, September 18, 2019

'Momo: The Missouri Monster' DVD Review

It was 1972 and the riverfront town of Louisiana, Missouri is about to become national news. Louisiana is a very small and quiet place but on a warm summer evening it’s world would change. Two young local children would watch a creature carry a dead dog across their backyard. This creature was hair covered with three toes. Now the creature had been seen in the forests of Star hill which is close to Louisiana but this was the first sighting in the small town. The word got out and the media went nuts with the story.

 Louisiana has its own Bigfoot. The newspapers started to call it MOMO. The Harrison family who were named in the sighting became the town joke. Louisiana became monster central everyone who was into these sightings swarmed on the small town. The woods were crawling with monster hunters and the townsfolk began to freak out with all the notoriety. Seth Breedlove wanted to tell the true story of what took place back in the summer of 1972.

'Momo: The Missouri Monster'  is a must watch Docudrama. It tells the story of the sighting as well as the chaos that followed. It also tries to show how after a awhile and the story died down and everyone started to question its reliability as to if the story was ever true. For most of us who have never seen a creature like MOMO or Bigfoot we question everything about these stories. For some of us who believe anything and everything is possible then we look at this story with some skepticism but also with the belief that it could be true.

Small Town Monsters brings this story to DVD on September 20th,2019. The quality of the DVD is superb. The sights and sounds are excellent. The story is wonderfully done and this is one fine story to watch and see. This will make a wonderful addition to your personal library of DVDs. So don’t wast any time and pick this one up.

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