Friday, July 5, 2013

Three Pro Morsi Protesters Killed By Army

     They took to the streets right after morning prayers. Former President Morsi supporters marched, angered by the Armies removal  of their elected President. Morsi had asked his supports to take to the streets and not give up to those that took his power away. The Army in no mood for loud rioters as they shot and killed three protesters. Tear gas had been used but did not stop the Muslim Brotherhood and it's supporters.
    The crisis in Egypt  will not go away anytime soon. Unfortunately, even if they elect a new President soon the protests will keep coming from Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. This is a country that will need another two years at the earliest to get  itself back to some sort of peace. Morsi may have been an elected President but he was not a President for the people as he was trying to consolidate his power and the power of the Muslim Brotherhood. Good Luck Folks.

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