Wednesday, November 2, 2016

'Alpha And Omega: The Big Fureeze' DVD Review

The Alpha and Omega wolves are back with another heartwarming story just in time for Christmas. As proud parents and wanting to take care of the kids Kate and Humphrey have to brave the cold and find food for the pups to eat during the winter. Snow is already on the ground but they know what must be done. Stinky, Claudette, and Runt have been told not to venture out in the cold and that they will have to stay in the den while their parents go out and hunt.

Kate and Humphrey take off into the cold and for a short time everything is going well. The weather turns bad in a very short time and the parents become lost. The pups realize that their parents have been gone way too long and begin to worry. Now the kids talk among the pack about what to do and it's decided that they go in search and find their parents, and soon. The snow is falling at a terrible rate and it's going to be very hard to follow their parents tracks. The pups know that not only will they have to face the snow but they also might have to deal with rival wolf packs. What's even worse is the simple fact that the Bears are beginning their winter hibernation and are eating everything in sight.

The pups are driven with one main idea and that is it's Christmas time and they want to spend it with their parents. You see Kate and Humphrey have done a wonderful job teaching their pups the value of family.  That's what makes this a wonderful gift at this time of year. The whole family can sit back and enjoy this heartwarming adventure together.

Lionsgate brings this enjoyable tale to us on DVD on November 8th, 2016. The DVD quality is excellent and the sights and sounds are exquisite. This will also make a wonderful addition to that personal library. So take the time to pick up a copy of 'Alpha And Omega: The Big Fureeze. These wolves bring a beautiful story of family love to us this holiday season.  

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