Thursday, February 16, 2017

'The Level' DVD Review

Detective Sergeant Nancy Devlin (Karla Crome) is a very good cop. You might even go as far to say that she is a renegade but she gets the job done. One day a childhood friend's father gives her a call and asks to meet her privately. Frank Le Saux (Philip Glenister) is a noted drug dealer. Nancy has over the years turned a blind eye to his illegal activity and kept in touch with Frank. In a way he's been like a father to her.

The two meet and before Frank could get around to telling her why he needed to meet her privately Frank is shot dead. Nancy is wounded as she gets away but is able to keep this all from her fellow cops. Nancy unfortunately is assigned to Brighton which is in charge in trying to solve a drug dealers death and his name is Frank Le Saux. Nancy is on the team that is basically searching for a witness to the murder and unbeknownst to her superiors that it is Nancy. What makes it even worse is that Nancy begins to receive text messages that she is next on the list to be killed.

This is definitely an interesting tale of crime/drama with a special twist. As Nancy was only at the crime scene because of her friendship to Frank she is implicated in a way that ties her to the crime. She must find the killer before they get her and she must also keep her involvement quiet to her superiors. Nancy does a wonderful job keeping all quiet from her partner DS Gunner Martin (Noel Clarke) and from an old friend DS Kevin O' Dowd (Robert James-Collier). The only problem is staying alive long enough to clear everything up.

Acorn brings this wonderful story to us on DVD on February 21st, 2017. The quality of the DVD is excellent and the sights and sounds are exquisite. This will make a wonderful addition to that personal library. Enjoy.

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