Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Republican Convention Day One Wrap up

The Republican Convention opened up in Cleveland on Monday July 18th, 2016 to a very lukewarm reception. We the people have been promised a convention to surpass all others. What we got was tepid speeches, a brief rules challenge, no serious protests outside the convention, and a plagiarized First Lady Speech.

The first day speakers all spoke of making America safe again, attacks on Hillary Clinton, and keeping safe the Republican control of Congress. The saddest part of these speeches was that they were lackluster at best. They truly did not get the audience involved and to put it mildly it almost seemed that the delegates were bored. I know the TV audience certainly was bored.

By mid afternoon those delegates that were not in favor of electing Donald Trump as their candidate tried to rework the rules of the convention. They were quieted quickly and some actually walked out of the event.

As for the promised demonstrations outside the convention those that did took place were tame at best. Yes, there was some who supported Black Lives Matter and some attackers on Hillary Clinton, but for the most part it was quiet.

The finale of the evening was the speech of Melania Trump and the introduction given by her husband. Donald Trump came on stage to the song "We Are The Champions" by Queen. What has become a first day faux pas is the possible plagiarism of Melania's speech from Michelle Obama's speech of 2008. There were similar lines almost word for word, but some could say that it was just a small mistake.

All in all the first day of the Republican Convention sucked. The bottom line is that if the party wants to win over some of the undecided votes, they fell far short. Hopefully day 2 will knock us off our feet, but it really doesn't look like that will happen.

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