Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Don't Take Crap From Anyone

     You are a human being. You are an individual. You deserve to be treated in a manner that is befitting to yourself. Don't let anyone mistreat you. Don't let anyone hurt you. If you are in an abusive relationship get out. You don't have to be mistreated. If you feel your government is pushing you too far then push back. Every person in every nation on this planet has rights.
    Stand up for yourself and if you can't do it alone, then get someone who can. If someone makes fun of you don't get angry just laugh back at him. If we don't stand up for ourselves sometimes we never will and people will walk all over us.
    I beg you, if you feel lost or you just don't feel like you matter, belief me you do. Everybody is a beautiful person and you must feel good about yourself. I pray all of you will feel like you count. If not to someone else then to yourself. Believe in yourself.  

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