Thursday, May 2, 2013

Movie Review: Scott Pilgrim vs The World

    This movie is definitely not for the over 25 crowd. This coming of age comedy, drama, adventure, love, martial arts movie has more whining than Gallo Vineyards. I didn't bring enough cheese to care what happens to Scott Pilgrim. The characters are geeky nerds of the 20 year old age group. They throw gay love into the fray just to keep it interesting and even these characters are unbelievable. There is nothing about this movie that anyone over 25 can relate too.
    The movie opens up with 28 year old Pilgrim falling for a Chinese catholic high schooler. Then somewhere in his minds eye he sees the girl of his dreams. She has seven former lovers that Pilgrim must defeat to win her love. In the end, Pilgrim learns a valuable lesson.
     If you must watch this movie make sure you bring plenty of cheese so you don't get bored.

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